Marjorie has dedicated her career to public service. She served seven terms on the Cambridge City Council, where she was the youngest woman ever elected to the Council and was first elected to the Massachusetts State House in 2012.
Throughout her career she has been a fierce advocate for housing and homeless families, labor, early education, maternal health and anti-poverty efforts. She is a nationally recognized leader in the fight against gun violence, most recently authoring five pieces of legislation that became law in the Fall of 2023.
GUN SAFETY"We are going to save lives" Rep. Decker is a nationally recognized leader in increasing gun safety and protections for the victims of gun violence. THIS SESSION: Four of her bills were adopted as part of the legislature’s “omnibus package” related to gun safety that recently became law and she spoke on the floor supporting the passage of one of the most comprehensive firearms laws in the Commonwealth’s history. Issues including ghost guns, red flag laws, prohibited spaces, and data collection were incorporated into the Gun Safety Omnibus. Filed nine common sense gun bills, including one that would prohibit gun manufacturers in Massachusetts from making assault weapons in our state for the purpose of selling to consumers in other states. PAST WINS: In 2018, Marjorie was the lead sponsor of a “red flag” bill that she filed alongside a constituent. The bill, which passed and is the basis of Massachusetts’ “Red Flag” law, established the process to file an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) order resulting in the immediate suspension and surrender of any license to carry firearms or firearm identification card the respondent holds, as well as the immediate surrender of all firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, weapons or ammunition which the respondent the controls, owns, or possesses. ERPOs last one year, emergency ERPOs 10 days. Given her leadership on this issue, she was invited to the White House to celebrate passage of the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most consequential piece of gun legislation passed in the last 30 years.
TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGEClimate change is an existential crisis that will require aggressive and coordinated efforts from governments around the world to mitigate. That’s why as State Rep., Marjorie Decker has made addressing this one of her top priorities, and has successfully secured language from her bills in each of the climate packages that has passed while she has been in office. THIS SESSION: Filed a bill that will transition MA to 100% clean energy and provide a just transition for workers. Filed two bills related to the clean energy workforce transition and workforce standards. Filed a bill related to retrofitting schools, with priority given to those in environmental justice communities, to upgrade air ventilation and carbon emissions, making them healthier and more sustainable. Filed a bill to expand the bottle bill. Filed a bill related to clean fuel standards. PAST WINS: In the 2021 2050 Roadmap bill, Marjorie secured language requiring our electricity grid to be powered by 40% renewable energy by 2030. In the 2022 climate bill, secured language to make 100% of new car sales be electric by 2035, electrifying MBTA buses, removing subsidies for biomass energy facilities. Fought for increases in offshore wind investments and helped establish Massachusetts as a leader in new energy storage and research. Led House movement to divest public pensions from fossil fuel stocks. Awarded 2019 Clean Water Action Legislative Champion Award
DELIVERING FOR CAMBRIDGEWhile Marjorie’s priorities reflect the strong values she shares with the Cambridge community and constituents – and the legislation she delivers on reflects them – she also has secured significant investments for Cambridge in the budget and legislative victories with home rule petitions. FY24 Budget $100,000 for the Cambridge Community Center $100,000 for Food For Free $1 million to re-open the Cambridge Health Alliance Birth Center $1 million to support the Cambridge Health Alliance Dental Center FY25 Budget $150,000 for the Cambridge Community Center $110,000 for Food For Free $43 million/year for three years for Cambridge Health Alliance Over Marjorie’s time in the legislature, she has secured over $1 million for Cambridge nonprofits and organizations in the State Budget. Home Rule Petitions and Other Advocacy Increased personal property exemption in Cambridge from $10,000 to $20,000 Secured $13.5 million for Cambridge specific infrastructure projects In 2013, advocated against the closure of the child psychiatric unit at the Cambridge Health Alliance. In 2022, CHA opened a new center for inpatient child and adolescent psychiatry as part of an extensive plan to expand its capacity to address the critical need for acute psychiatric care.
LABOR AND WORKER RIGHTSRep. Decker is proud to be a strong supporter of unions and an advocate for the rights of all workers. She has consistently received one of the highest labor voting records in the legislature during each of her six terms in office. THIS SESSION: Filed and passed an amendment on Project Labor Agreements to support workers in the recent economic development bill. Filed and passed an amendment related to creating labor standards on clean energy projects in the climate omnibus. PAST WINS: Authored the 2020 law that bans use of eleven toxic flame retardants that are especially dangerous for firefighters, kids and pregnant people. Sponsored legislation requiring state-sponsored and subsidized contractors to participate in apprenticeship programs. Has fought multiple battles against privatization on behalf of Massachusetts unions. Supported legislation to create good-paying, sustainable jobs in renewable energy. Has joined union members on picket lines and supports the right to organize. Has spoken at rallies and events in support of university workers and graduate students.
MATERNAL HEALTH & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICERep. Decker is a longtime fighter for reproductive rights and has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund MA and Reproductive Equity Now for this election. THIS SESSION: Leader on the Maternal Health Omnibus, which will allow midwifery care to be covered by MassHealth, remove regulatory and staffing barriers for birth centers, require postpartum depression screenings for new parents, and expand access to lactation support. Filed legislation to increase the doula workforce through education grants. Co-sponsor of legislation which would target barriers to abortion care including Crisis Pregnancy Centers and mandatory waiting periods. Recognized as a partner and leader on this issue by the Healey-Driscoll Administration; joined EOHHS and DPH at a press conference announcing a new public service campaign to warn of the risk of crisis pregnancy centers. PAST WINS: Last session, Marjorie’s bill, An Act to improve access to emergency contraception, was the basis of the House’s response to the Dobbs Supreme Court decision. Co-Chaired the Special Legislative Commission on Racial Inequities in Maternal Health Co-sponsored the Contraceptive ACCESS Bill, which protects Massachusetts citizens’ access to birth control and became law in 2017. Identified as a ROE Act (a bill that protects abortion in Massachusetts without restrictive barriers) Champion by the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund MA in 2020.
ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS AND ANTI-POVERTYSecured language to prevent families spending "one night in spaces not meant for human habitation" that was a previous requirement for accessing the emergency shelter system. Legislative lead on Emergency Assistance shelter and Residential Assistance for Families in Transition funding Successfully fought to lift the cap on Temporary Aid for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) benefits Secured an increase in TAFDC cash grants for the first time in 33 years and Emergency Assistance for the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC) for the first time in 21 years Worked to increase and improve the Earned Income Tax Credit from its original 15% to 40% in Massachusetts. Filed legislation that ensures survivors fleeing domestic violence can access the Earned Income Credit without filing taxes with their abusers. Chairing the Poverty Commission, which is charged with coming up with recommendations to significantly reduce poverty over the next 10 years. The Massachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants awarded state Rep. Marjorie C. Decker its annual “Thelma Rogers Award” for her work in the Legislature and throughout her career in public service to expand access to safe, affordable public housing.
MENTAL HEALTH & HEALTH CARE ACCESSTHIS SESSION: Filed a bill to create a council to ensure that schools, staff, and educators can access additional support when needed. Filed a bill to increase healthcare coverage for serious mental illness Filed a bill to ensure insurance covers telehealth at the same levels as in-person visits. Filed a bill to ensure healthcare coverage for postpartum home visiting services. Filed a bill to reduce involuntary hospitalizations for individuals in mental health crises by first exhausting community-based alternatives. PAST WINS: Authored and passed a bill to eliminate “fail first” step therapy policies, enabling patients to access the correct medication as soon as they need it. Authored and passed a signature children’s mental health and school-based behavioral health bill last session after 81 meetings to craft it which Infused resources into schools and codified a statewide technical assistance center to implement behavioral health services in school districts. I have secured money for these technical assistance programs in the budget and continue to to work to ensure that school-based behavioral health is supported and funded. 988 Hotline School emergency response plans Awarded the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health Spirit of Compassion Award in 2021 in recognition of her efforts to tackle the mental health crisis. Worked to strengthen a bill on protecting women’s reproductive rights.
LGBTQ+ RIGHTSTHIS SESSION: Filed a bill that would add relationship status and family structure as protected classes that cannot be discriminated against in housing in Cambridge. Supporting the trans and nonbinary community by filing a bill that would allow individuals to change their gender markers to M, F, or X on state documents and co-sponsoring a bill increasing access to gender affirming care. Filed a bill which would require reimbursement parity for all telehealth services, including chronic disease management services for HIV/AIDS, to be on par with in-person services. Filed a bill that would allow cities and towns to operate overdose prevention centers that educate patients on the risks of contracting HIV and provide access or referrals to prevention, screening, and treatment services. PAST WINS: Co-sponsored legislation that banned conversion therapy on minors, and was recognized by the MA GBLTQ Political Caucus as a champion of the bill, which became law March 9, 2019. Co-sponsored legislation that required LGBT awareness training for aging services providers, which became law. As a Cambridge City Councilor, approved a measure that led Cambridge to become the first municipality in America to pay public employees a stipend to offset the federal tax on health benefits for listing a same-sex spouse.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORMRep. Decker is a leader in reforming the criminal justice system and ensuring everyone receives equal treatment under the law. THIS SESSION: Filed a bill to protect immigrants within the criminal justice system by clarifying that court personnel may not otherwise notify ICE of the presence of individuals attending proceedings in Massachusetts courthouses, unless required by law. Filed a bill to reduce the list of offenses ineligible for expungement for juveniles. Filed a bill to mandate an awareness campaign that those convicted of crimes receive a notice, in writing, of their voter eligibility. Filed a bill to eliminate all juvenile fees and fines and forgive past debt. PAST WINS: In 2018, Rep. Decker’s bill language was adopted into law as part of the Criminal Justice Reform Act that allows juveniles to more easily expunge criminal records. Supported efforts to address the criminalization of poverty, cruel and antiquated sentencing and youth empowerment, including filing a bill to get rid of fines, fees, and restitution for youth offenders. Worked to repeal unfair mandatory minimum requirements. Helped ensure a defendant’s financial resources are considered in bail sentencing.

Dignity Alliance Massachusetts: Outstanding Dignity Legislator
June 2022
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health Spirit of Compassion Award
October 13, 2021
Mental Health America Legislative Champion:
honored as one of two Legislators in the nation with the Legislative Champion award for championing access to treatment and support for mental health
July 28, 2021
Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) Legislator of the Year
April 7, 2020 & April 16, 2021
Massachusetts Coalition for Addiction Services Certificate of Appreciation
September 23, 2020
American Heart/Cancer in honor of your legislative success protecting Adolescents and Youth
March 16, 2020
Women’s Bar Association 2020 Public Official of the Year:
Awarded for work on Lift the Cap and Civil Legal Aid funding in the state budget.
February 24, 2020
Cambridge NAACP Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major for Leadership Award.
Equal Justice Coalition Beacon of Justice Award:
Awarded for leadership and significant support of state funding for civil legal aid through the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation.
November 12, 2019
Stop Handgun Violence Award: Honored for on ERPO and the crime gun data bill
Oct. 24, 2019
YWCA Cambridge Tribute to Outstanding Women, Honorary Committee 2019
October 17, 2019
Emerge Legislative Leadership in Domestic Violence Award
June 27, 2019
Police Assistance Addiction Recovery initiative (PAARI) Government and Community Leadership award:
recognizing dedication and leadership on local and national impact creating non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery
June 26, 2019
Clean Water Action Legislative Champion Award:
for working on behalf of children and firefighters by working to ban 11 toxic flame retardants from children’s products, bedding, household furniture, carpeting, and window coverings.
May 22, 2019
Phillips Brooks House Association SUP Impact Award:
for being an advocate for housing and homeless families, labor, early education, and anti-poverty efforts throughout her career.
April 16, 2019
Greater Boston Food Bank Public Advocate of the Year
March 10, 2016
Massachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants Thelma Rogers Award:
April 30, 2016
Riverside Community Care: Certificate of Appreciation
For her commitment to prevent domestic violence homicides in the Cambridge community
April 29, 2013
Cambridge YMCA 2013 Tribute Honoree
Crittenton Women's Union Certificate of Appreciation:
In recognition of her unwavering support of low-income women as they strive for economic independence
May 21, 2013
Massachusetts Nurses Association Freshman Legislator of the Year Award
October 9, 2013
Massachusetts AFL-CIO Municipal Government Leadership Award:
For a remarkable career in leading and advocating with passion and enthusiasm for working families
Transition House: Hero award
In honor of your vision and plan to reimagine how a community collectively approached Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Horizons for Homeless Children
legislator of the year
Homes for Families "Big Cookie Award"
(advocate of the year)